from math import ceil from hypnopyze.patterns.pattern import * from hypnopyze.styles.manager import StyleManager # For creating sequences of notes. class Sequencer: # - beats_per_bar - how many beats in a bar (maximum pattern resolution) # - time_step - each beat will take time_step MIDI beats # - perturb_velocity_cap - randomly perturbs the base velocities by +- this def __init__(self, beats_per_bar: int, perturb_velocity_cap: int = 0): # The midi channel to use. Any change takes effect from the next bar. = 0 # How many beats in a bar to allow (maximum pattern resolution) self.beats_per_bar = beats_per_bar # How much to randomly perturb velocities self.perturb_velocity_cap = perturb_velocity_cap # The output notes self.__notes = [] # Current time self.__t = 0 # Returns the current time point. @property def time(self): return self.__t # Sets the current time point. @time.setter def time(self, value): self.__t = value if value >= 0 else 0 # Returns the generated notes. @property def notes(self): return self.__notes # Returns true, if the pattern is compatible def compatible(self, pattern: Pattern): # if bad pattern if not pattern: return False # if pattern resolution is too high if self.beats_per_bar < pattern.min_beats_per_bar: return False # should be fine return True # If compatible, returns how much the pattern will be scaled up. # Not applicable to patterns with pattern.real_time == True def time_scale(self, pattern: Pattern) -> int: if pattern.real_time: return 1 # # Example 1: # e.g. beats_per_bar = 16 # pattern.min_beats_per_bar = 4 # # time_scale = beats_per_bar // p.mbpb = 4 # # also, can be be repeated, as beats_per_bar % p.mbpb == 0 # # Example 2: # e.g. beats_per_bar = 20 # pattern.min_beats_per_bar = 3 # # time_scale = beats_per_bar // p.mbpb = 6 # # shouldn't be repeated, as beats_per_bar % p.mbpb != 0 return self.beats_per_bar // pattern.min_beats_per_bar # Returns true, if the pattern can be looped at this time scale, # see time_scale(). def repeatable(self, pattern: Pattern) -> bool: return pattern.repeatable \ and self.beats_per_bar % pattern.min_beats_per_bar == 0 # Appends the pattern at the current time point, if it's compatible. # Returns the number of bars appended def append(self, pattern: Pattern) -> int: if not self.compatible(pattern): print("Pattern is not compatible") return 0 prng = StyleManager().prng time_scale = self.time_scale(pattern) bar_count = pattern.bars fill = pattern.real_time and self.repeatable(pattern) repeats = 1 if not fill \ else self.beats_per_bar // pattern.min_beats_per_bar perturb_range = list(range(-abs(self.perturb_velocity_cap), abs(self.perturb_velocity_cap) + 1)) perturb_range_len = len(perturb_range) p = pattern t = self.__t full_step = time_scale for _ in range(0, repeats): for (index, velocity, duration) in p.ivd: # ignore silence if is_silence(index): t += full_step # update the time continue # perturb the velocity if required if perturb_range: velocity += perturb_range[ prng.binomial(perturb_range_len - 1, 0.5)] velocity = max(0, min(velocity, MAX_VELOCITY)) # correct the duration given scale duration *= full_step # append the note self.__notes.append([[t, index, velocity, duration],]) # update the time t += full_step lower_bound = bar_count * self.beats_per_bar if t - self.__t >= lower_bound: self.__t = t else: self.__t += lower_bound return bar_count