# version: v3.0.0 # context defines the context of this Desired State File. # It is used to allow Helmsman identify which releases are managed by which DSF. # Therefore, it is important that each DSF uses a unique context. context = "test-infra" # defaults to "default" if not provided # metadata -- add as many key/value pairs as you want [metadata] org = "example.com/${ORG_PATH}/" maintainer = "k8s-admin (me@example.com)" description = "example Desired State File for demo purposes." key = "${VALUE}" # paths to the certificate for connecting to the cluster # You can skip this if you use Helmsman on a machine with kubectl already connected to your k8s cluster. # you have to use exact key names here : 'caCrt' for certificate and 'caKey' for the key and caClient for the client certificate [certificates] # caClient = "gs://mybucket/client.crt" # GCS bucket path # caCrt = "s3://mybucket/ca.crt" # S3 bucket path # caKey = "../ca.key" # valid local file relative path [settings] kubeContext = "minikube" # will try connect to this context first, if it does not exist, it will be created using the details below # username = "admin" # password = "$K8S_PASSWORD" # the name of an environment variable containing the k8s password # clusterURI = "${SET_URI}" # the name of an environment variable containing the cluster API # #clusterURI = "" # equivalent to the above # storageBackend = "secret" # default is secret # slackWebhook = "$slack" # or "your slack webhook url" # reverseDelete = false # reverse the priorities on delete #### to use bearer token: # bearerToken = true # clusterURI = "https://kubernetes.default" # [settings.globalHooks] # successCondition= "Initialized" # deleteOnSuccess= true # postInstall= "job.yaml" globalMaxHistory = 5 # define your environments and their k8s namespaces # syntax: # [namespaces.] -- whitespace before this entry does not matter, use whatever indentation style you like # protected = -- default to false [namespaces] [namespaces.production] protected = true [[namespaces.production.limits]] type = "Container" [namespaces.production.limits.default] cpu = "300m" memory = "200Mi" [namespaces.production.limits.defaultRequest] cpu = "200m" memory = "100Mi" [[namespaces.production.limits]] type = "Pod" [namespaces.production.limits.max] memory = "300Mi" [namespaces.staging] protected = false [namespaces.staging.labels] env = "staging" [namespaces.staging.quotas] "limits.cpu" = "10" "limits.memory" = "30Gi" pods = "25" "requests.cpu" = "10" "requests.memory" = "30Gi" [[namespaces.staging.quotas.customQuotas]] name = "requests.nvidia.com/gpu" value = "2" # define any private/public helm charts repos you would like to get charts from # syntax: repo_name = "repo_url" # only private repos hosted in s3 buckets are now supported [helmRepos] argo = "https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm" jfrog = "https://charts.jfrog.io" # myS3repo = "s3://my-S3-private-repo/charts" # myGCSrepo = "gs://my-GCS-private-repo/charts" # custom = "https://$user:$pass@mycustomrepo.org" # define the desired state of your applications helm charts # each contains the following: [apps] [apps.argo] namespace = "production" # maps to the namespace as defined in namespaces above enabled = true # change to false if you want to delete this app release [default = false] chart = "argo/argo" # changing the chart name means delete and recreate this release version = "0.8.5" # chart version ### Optional values below valuesFile = "" # leaving it empty uses the default chart values test = false # run the tests when this release is installed for the first time only protected = true priority = -3 wait = true [apps.argo.hooks] successCondition = "Complete" successTimeout = "90s" deleteOnSuccess = true preInstall = "job.yaml" # preInstall="https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v0.14.0/cert-manager.crds.yaml" # postInstall="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetstack/cert-manager/release-0.14/deploy/manifests/00-crds.yaml" # preUpgrade="job.yaml" # postUpgrade="job.yaml" # preDelete="job.yaml" # postDelete="job.yaml" # [apps.argo.setString] # values to override values from values.yaml with values from env vars or directly entered-- useful for passing secrets to charts # AdminPassword="$SOME_PASSWORD" # $SOME_PASSWORD must exist in the environment # MyLongIntVar="1234567890" [apps.argo.set] "images.tag" = "$$TAG" # $$ is escaped and $TAG is passed literally to images.tag (no env variable expansion) [apps.artifactory] namespace = "production" # maps to the namespace as defined in namespaces above enabled = true # change to false if you want to delete this app release [default = false] chart = "jfrog/artifactory" # changing the chart name means delete and recreate this release version = "8.3.2" # chart version ### Optional values below valuesFile = "" # leaving it empty uses the default chart values test = false # run the tests when this release is installed for the first time only priority = -2 noHooks = false timeout = 300 maxHistory = 4 # additional helm flags for this release helmFlags = [ "--devel", ] # See https://github.com/Praqma/helmsman/blob/master/docs/desired_state_specification.md#apps for more apps options