Example Yaml

%YAML 1.2
YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language™

What It Is:
YAML is a human-friendly data serialization
language for all programming languages.

YAML Resources:
YAML Specifications:
- YAML 1.2:
- Revision 1.2.2 # Oct 1, 2021 *New*
- Revision 1.2.1 # Oct 1, 2009
- Revision 1.2.0 # Jul 21, 2009
- YAML 1.1
- YAML 1.0

YAML Matrix Chat: '#chat:yaml.io' # Our New Group Chat Room!
YAML IRC Channel: libera.chat#yaml # The old chat
YAML News: twitter.com/yamlnews
YAML Mailing List: yaml-core # Obsolete, but historical

YAML on GitHub: # github.com/yaml/
YAML Specs: yaml-spec/
YAML 1.2 Grammar: yaml-grammar/
YAML Test Suite: yaml-test-suite/
YAML Issues: issues/

YAML Reference Parsers:
- Generated Reference Parsers
- YPaste Interactive Parser

YAML Test Matrix: matrix.yaml.io

YAML Frameworks and Tools:
- libfyaml # "C" YAML 1.2 processor (YTS)
- libyaml # "C" Fast YAML 1.1 (YTS)
- libcyaml # YAML de/serialization of C data (using libyaml)
- yaml-cpp # C++ YAML 1.2 implementation

- YAML # YAML 1.1 from the standard library

- YamlDotNet # YAML 1.1/(1.2) library + serialization (YTS)
- yaml-net # YAML 1.1 library

- D-YAML # YAML 1.1 library w/ official community support (YTS)

- yaml # YAML package for Dart

- Neslib.Yaml # YAML 1.1 Delphi binding to libyaml (YTS)

- yaml-elixir # YAML support for the Elixir language

- yamerl # YAML support for the Erlang language

- Go-yaml # YAML support for the Go language
- Go-gypsy # Simplified YAML parser written in Go
- goccy/go-yaml # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Go

- HsYAML # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Haskell (YTS)
- YamlReference # Haskell 1.2 reference parser
- yaml # YAML 1.1 Haskell framework (based on libyaml)

- SnakeYAML Engine # Java 8+ / YAML 1.2
- SnakeYAML # Java 5 / YAML 1.1
- YamlBeans # To/from JavaBeans. YAML 1.0/1.1
- eo-yaml # YAML 1.2 for Java 8. Packaged as a Module (Java 9+)
- Chronicle-Wire # Java Implementation

- yaml # JavaScript parser/stringifier (YAML 1.2, 1.1) (YTS)
- js-yaml # Native PyYAML port to JavaScript (Demo)

- NimYAML # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Nim (YTS)

- ocaml-yaml # YAML 1.1/1.2 via libyaml bindings
- ocaml-syck # YAML 1.0 via syck bindings

Perl Modules:
- YAML # Pure Perl YAML 1.0 Module
- YAML::XS # Binding to libyaml
- YAML::Syck # Binding to libsyck
- YAML::Tiny # A small YAML subset module
- YAML::PP # A YAML 1.2/1.1 processor (YTS)

- The Yaml Component # Symfony Yaml Component (YAML 1.2)
- php-yaml # libyaml bindings (YAML 1.1)
- syck # syck bindings (YAML 1.0)
- spyc # yaml loader/dumper (YAML 1.?)

- PyYAML # YAML 1.1, pure python and libyaml binding
- ruamel.yaml # YAML 1.2, update of PyYAML; comments round-trip
- PySyck # YAML 1.0, syck binding
- strictyaml # Restricted YAML subset

- R YAML # libyaml wrapper

- YAMLish # Port of YAMLish to Raku
- YAML::Parser::LibYAML # LibYAML wrapper

- psych # libyaml wrapper (in Ruby core for 1.9.2)
- RbYaml # YAML 1.1 (PyYAML Port)
- yaml4r # YAML 1.0, standard library syck binding

- yaml-rust # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Rust
- serde-yaml # YAML de/serialization of structs

- parse_yaml # Simple YAML parser for Bash using sed and awk
- shyaml # Read YAML files - jq style

- Yams # libyaml wrapper

- yamlvim # YAML dumper/emitter in pure vimscript

Related Projects:
- Rx # Multi-Language Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
- Kwalify # Ruby Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
- pyKwalify # Python Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
- yatools.net # Visual Studio editor for YAML
- JSON # Official JSON Website
- Pygments # Python language Syntax Colorizer /w YAML support
- yamllint # YAML Linter based on PyYAML
- YAML Diff # Semantically compare two YAML documents
- JSON Schema # YAML-compliant JSON standard for data validation

# Edit This Website
%YAML 1.2
YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language™

What It Is:
  YAML is a human-friendly data serialization
  language for all programming languages.

YAML Resources:
  YAML Specifications:
    - YAML 1.2:
        - Revision 1.2.2      # Oct 1, 2021 *New*
        - Revision 1.2.1      # Oct 1, 2009
        - Revision 1.2.0      # Jul 21, 2009
    - YAML 1.1
    - YAML 1.0

  YAML Matrix Chat: '#chat:yaml.io'     # Our New Group Chat Room!
  YAML IRC Channel: libera.chat#yaml    # The old chat
  YAML News: twitter.com/yamlnews
  YAML Mailing List: yaml-core           # Obsolete, but historical

  YAML on GitHub: # github.com/yaml/
    YAML Specs: yaml-spec/
    YAML 1.2 Grammar: yaml-grammar/
    YAML Test Suite: yaml-test-suite/
    YAML Issues: issues/

  YAML Reference Parsers:
    - Generated Reference Parsers
    - YPaste Interactive Parser

  YAML Test Matrix: matrix.yaml.io

YAML Frameworks and Tools:
    - libfyaml      # "C" YAML 1.2 processor (YTS)
    - libyaml       # "C" Fast YAML 1.1 (YTS)
    - libcyaml      # YAML de/serialization of C data (using libyaml)
    - yaml-cpp      # C++ YAML 1.2 implementation

    - YAML          # YAML 1.1 from the standard library

    - YamlDotNet    # YAML 1.1/(1.2) library + serialization (YTS)
    - yaml-net      # YAML 1.1 library

    - D-YAML        # YAML 1.1 library w/ official community support (YTS)

    - yaml          # YAML package for Dart

    - Neslib.Yaml   # YAML 1.1 Delphi binding to libyaml (YTS)

    - yaml-elixir   # YAML support for the Elixir language

    - yamerl        # YAML support for the Erlang language

    - Go-yaml       # YAML support for the Go language
    - Go-gypsy      # Simplified YAML parser written in Go
    - goccy/go-yaml # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Go

    - HsYAML         # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Haskell (YTS)
    - YamlReference  # Haskell 1.2 reference parser
    - yaml           # YAML 1.1 Haskell framework (based on libyaml)

    - SnakeYAML Engine  # Java 8+ / YAML 1.2
    - SnakeYAML         # Java 5 / YAML 1.1
    - YamlBeans         # To/from JavaBeans. YAML 1.0/1.1
    - eo-yaml           # YAML 1.2 for Java 8. Packaged as a Module (Java 9+)
    - Chronicle-Wire    # Java Implementation

    - yaml          # JavaScript parser/stringifier (YAML 1.2, 1.1) (YTS)
    - js-yaml       # Native PyYAML port to JavaScript (Demo)

    - NimYAML       # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Nim (YTS)

    - ocaml-yaml    # YAML 1.1/1.2 via libyaml bindings
    - ocaml-syck    # YAML 1.0 via syck bindings

  Perl Modules:
    - YAML          # Pure Perl YAML 1.0 Module
    - YAML::XS      # Binding to libyaml
    - YAML::Syck    # Binding to libsyck
    - YAML::Tiny    # A small YAML subset module
    - YAML::PP      # A YAML 1.2/1.1 processor (YTS)

    - The Yaml Component  # Symfony Yaml Component (YAML 1.2)
    - php-yaml      # libyaml bindings (YAML 1.1)
    - syck          # syck bindings (YAML 1.0)
    - spyc          # yaml loader/dumper (YAML 1.?)

    - PyYAML        # YAML 1.1, pure python and libyaml binding
    - ruamel.yaml   # YAML 1.2, update of PyYAML; comments round-trip
    - PySyck        # YAML 1.0, syck binding
    - strictyaml    # Restricted YAML subset

    - R YAML        # libyaml wrapper

    - YAMLish       # Port of YAMLish to Raku
    - YAML::Parser::LibYAML  # LibYAML wrapper

    - psych         # libyaml wrapper (in Ruby core for 1.9.2)
    - RbYaml        # YAML 1.1 (PyYAML Port)
    - yaml4r        # YAML 1.0, standard library syck binding

    - yaml-rust     # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Rust
    - serde-yaml    # YAML de/serialization of structs

    - parse_yaml    # Simple YAML parser for Bash using sed and awk
    - shyaml        # Read YAML files - jq style

    - Yams          # libyaml wrapper

    - yamlvim       # YAML dumper/emitter in pure vimscript

Related Projects:
  - Rx            # Multi-Language Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
  - Kwalify       # Ruby Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
  - pyKwalify     # Python Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
  - yatools.net   # Visual Studio editor for YAML
  - JSON          # Official JSON Website
  - Pygments      # Python language Syntax Colorizer /w YAML support
  - yamllint      # YAML Linter based on PyYAML
  - YAML Diff     # Semantically compare two YAML documents
  - JSON Schema   # YAML-compliant JSON standard for data validation

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