We can use colors to represent the three fundamental types of the instance system:
Type | Color | Tag | Token |
Entity Instance | --celestial-blue |
Entity Instance<span class="tag rg-component">Component</span> |
Entity Instance<span class="token rg-entity-instance">Entity Instance</span> |
Relation Instance | --mexican-pink |
Relation Instance<span class="tag rg-component">Component</span> |
Relation Instance<span class="token rg-relation-instance">Relation Instance</span> |
For example, to represent that the User ‘Hanack’ (which is an entity instance) belongs to (which is a relation instance) the organization Inexor (which is also an entity instance), we would use the colors like so:
Hanack---belongs to-->Inexor
The colors don’t infer with the colors of the type system. It’s possible to use all of these colors:
User---belongs to-->Organization
Hanack---belongs to-->Inexor